Marian Hamrock was a Hingham Public School teacher at South Elementary for 20 years, as well as a Hingham resident herself. Beloved in the community, Marian taught and lived by example, and the community is forever better because of her. This scholarship in her honor will be granted to a graduating Hingham High School senior with a strong academic record who is planning to study education at a four year college or university.
Amount of Scholarship
An award of $2,500 will be given to the student selected that best represents Mrs. Hamrock’s passion for education. This scholarship will be awarded after the recipient completes their first semester of freshman year and notifies HEF at that time. HEF will send the award check to the bursar’s office at the student’s college or university.
- The 2025 Scholarship application will be March 3 through April 30, 2025.
Please write an essay (500 word count limit) that explains why you plan to study education and that highlights an influential teacher that inspired you during your public education.
Our system does not allow to save a draft of your application. Please review the application and proceed when ready.
Please email HEF at with any questions.
Congratulations to the Winning Recipients in 2024!
Lina Matera
Katherine Shoemaker

The Hingham Education Foundation is a non-profit, community-based organization committed to enriching the quality of public education in Hingham. Since its incorporation in 1992, HEF has awarded over $2 million in grants to enhance educational quality throughout the system. These grants have provided funding for innovative classroom projects, development of teaching strategies, special programs, new books and materials, improving technology and more.